最近到秀珍的Health Club去接受血液测试。之前都是在身体检查body checkup时才得知一些身体的健康状况。但这个抽一滴血就可以看出胆固醇,脂肪,寄生虫的样子。吓死人了。秀珍替我作了分析。sigh....
1)我缺乏铁质 (当然啦,我很容易头晕。〕但是并不代表通过补充铁质就可以,因为身体可能无法吸收。
所以我现在和晓英一样,勤快地煮她给的herbal tea,不难喝,象中国茶一样。还要吃清血的药丸。当然我也看了中医,所以在吃中药粉,调经。sigh....女人病。
她的health club提供减肥护理,我也试了一下,就包括:
1) 好热的桑拿,一直流汗
2〕然后Body wrap加上一盏特殊的灯照在小腹上
For more info, visit "www.thehealthclub.com.sg"
Hi yong mei
xiao xue
Hi yong mei,
After viewing yr report, a bit scary leh.. Is it expensive to do such a checkup? Do we get the report straight away? Did yr tummy go down after the procedure? Ooops too many questions.... sorry!
If any treatment can make your tummy go down after one session, that muz be liposuction or mesotherapy. I muz say after the treatment, it looks flat but when i go eat, it's back again.
But my concern here is more for health purpose. As for price, you can visit their website for details.
As i always said, try out twice or even more times and think about it before you sign any package that you might regret.
Women's money hardearned, so muz ensure it's well spent on ourselves! hee hee.
yong mei
may i know what is your herbal tea,,and u go consult which chinese doctor.
I went to xiuzhen's health club. They have a certified Chinese medical doctor too. I muz say herbal tea still ok, the chinese medicine powder i've to take thrice a day is really bitter. but gotta improve my woman problem ah... sigh...
hi yong mei,
i went xiuzhen's health club yesterday and my analysis almost same as yours.The herbal tea is to mix with 1 litre of water then keep in hot flask right? but my hot flask contains very little water, wat kind of hot flask you use? maybe i can buy one. i love to listen to your show especially 4 - 5pm. also now without de jiang you do show alone, so poor thing.hope you find a partner soon.
judy chong
Hi Yong Mei
Can I just go to xiuzhen's clinic just to do blood test. Is it a must to take their medicine and tea. Can you check with her.
Thank you
Hi Yong Mei,
Pls help me 2 ask Jacelyn wat food 2 eat in order 2 get rid of water retention? Thanks
The herbal tea has to be boiled. you know what, i bought empty tea bags from Daiso, vivocity and put the ingredients in it then boil. in this case, you won't have messy leaves in your tea.
if you really dun want any herbal tea or tablets then you can purely rely on chinese medicine. they have chinese medical doctors too. the chinese medicine very bitter. i'm taking it too cos i've got menses problem.
Barley helps for water retention! Their self sauna machine makes you sweat and release water. But the thing is you have to improve your kidney function instead of releasing water temporarily.
Jacelyn is away for vacation next two weeks. Me going for "checkup" on monday again with treatments lah.
Xiao Xue, i have allergy skin for a long time, tried bryan lao shi natural acupressure and helps me alot. But the acupressure of xue hai very good.
Thanks Yong mei and bryan lao shi for sharing for sharing.
I think foodcure is best and right juice.
Hi Yongmei,
like to hear your program whether is it with De Jiang or Xiao Ying cause it always brings laughter. btw I heard about Jacelyn Tay taught a way for bad breath to drink peppermint tea issit? or is there anyway to cure bad breath?
Just bought U.me magazine, now than i know bryan lao shi profile.
Interesting information. Hope to hear more health and beauty news from you and bryan lao shi. Will there be a tea party with bryan lao shi, on flower tea and juice it will be fun.
Is the blood test and chinese medicine very expensive or resonable price. If it is effective, and resonable price, I don't mind giving it a try.
Jacelyn didn't recommend anything on bad breath leh.
i think drinking detox juice is better than pill, thats my personal view.
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