Doctor Calvin Chan说我的问题是黑眼圈及一些在眼睛周围的雀斑.我之前用过LHE,可以去掉脸上的幼毛,淡化斑点及缩小毛孔.但没想到IPL的威力更大.除了无法缩小毛孔之外,它能让皮肤更有弹性,改善黑眼圈,让脸没那么红(我的脸是自然红的),最神奇的是它能烧掉我的雀斑!
hi YongMei,
May I know the price 4 IPL?
4 your case how much do you pay for that?
hi, ym this ipl no side effect? you really can take it. sorry i afraid to try this.
Hi YongMei
How much does the doctor charge for IPL and how many times to do for the whole treatment IPL.
I am very scared of the side effect and I dare not try.
$300 for one IP2L treatment done by Dr Calvin Chan lah. I think for skin doctors, they dun sell you by package as beauty salon. I think it is quite worth it cos you see results in a week. But maintenance is very important by using the right sunblock and keep away from sun! My freckles not a lot so one treatment already burn off a lot of them. Sorry camera not good enough you can't see the spots are gone. But if your spots caused by hormonal changes, you need laser to remove it and it will take few treatments to see results.
IPL or IP2L quite normal treatments lah, not like botox or fillers (using injections.) Despite a lot of negative impression of botox, the demand is still high. Like Andy Lee said "Afraid of what, even die must die pretty!"
Eileen, its not as painful as i said lah. In fact, my redness of face does subside and facial hair around mouth gone (SAME AS LHE lah) One thing different from LHE is the pores didn't reduce size. To reduce pores and bring out shine, you need laser treatment which is a bit more expensive.
hi xiao ying and yongmei,
then what brand of the zhong he vitamins is better?
May I know Dr Chan's clinic contact number and address?
501 Orchard Road #05-11 Wheelock Place Tel: 67324981
晓英与calvin 医生,
我的眼睛周围时常觉的很涩, 一眨眼就觉的很痛....眼睛很疲倦. 请问要怎样才不会有这样 ??
hi xiao ying & yong mei
Hi XiaoYing & YongMei
My hand & feet cold easily, but my face not white like paper and is red and feel heat. what type of body am I.
thank you.
想問有沒有售賣DIY的IPL除毛儀器? 如果有,怎麼購買?價錢?
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